Braintrust is a token of a decentralized talent network that connects qualified, proven knowledge workers with the most reputable global brands. Unlike other marketplaces, Braintrust allows talent to save 100% of earnings.
News about Braintrust
02 Feb 2023, 18:50
Talent is still getting hired despite the economic environment! @MessariCrypto shows Active talent reached an all-time high increasing by 130% QoQ. ⬇️
#TechJobs #JobMarket
Talent is still getting hired despite the economic environment.Talent is still getting hired despite the economic environment! @MessariCrypto shows Active talent reached an all-time high increasing by 130% QoQ. ⬇️
#TechJobs #JobMarket https://t.co/AYGROCGx9s
02 Feb 2023, 17:01
Ever wonder what your work is worth?
Wonder no more: We publish live market rates, so you can see what people are paying for skills like yours:
Ever wonder what your work is worth.Ever wonder what your work is worth?
Wonder no more: We publish live market rates, so you can see what people are paying for skills like yours: https://t.co/dECSGNu4Pd:
01 Feb 2023, 22:26
Have you seen the latest @MessariCrypto quarterly report on Braintrust?
Read on for highlights and a great breakdown of how the network grew in Q4 📈
~@usebraintrust Q4 from @tech_metrics
+Active talent reached an all-time high, up 130% QoQ
+Registered clients reached 1,337, up 7% QoQ and 82% YoY
+Applications rose 59% QoQ and 580% YoY
Have you seen the latest @MessariCrypto quarterly report on Braintrust.Have you seen the latest @MessariCrypto quarterly report on Braintrust?
Read on for highlights and a great breakdown of how the network grew in Q4 📈
@tech_metrics https://t.co/VqfQRFEc2a
~@usebraintrust Q4 from @tech_metrics
+Active talent reached an all-time high, up 130% QoQ
+Registered clients reached 1,337, up 7% QoQ and 82% YoY
+Applications rose 59% QoQ and 580% YoY
🔗 https://t.co/RevmYHsDFs https://t.co/5xlHYpSGGb
01 Feb 2023, 21:00
Each time you refer a client to Braintrust, and they make a hire, you can earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST!
Learn more:
Each time you refer a client to Braintrust, and they make a hire, you can earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST. Learn more:.Each time you refer a client to Braintrust, and they make a hire, you can earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST!
Learn more: https://t.co/zK6VCgME3v
01 Feb 2023, 19:01
Braintrust's #Web3 model provides real value, which is why we've held steady, even through a long #cryptowinter.
Talent have now earned more than $125 million on Braintrust, and keep all of their rate, thanks to zero fees on Talent.
Braintrust's #Web3 model provides real value, which is why we've held steady, even through a long #cryptowinter.Braintrust's #Web3 model provides real value, which is why we've held steady, even through a long #cryptowinter.
Talent have now earned more than $125 million on Braintrust, and keep all of their rate, thanks to zero fees on Talent.
01 Feb 2023, 17:01
Ready to join a network that has your back?
Talent have a vote on Braintrust, giving them say over the place they make their living.
Join, and get connected to top enterprises today:
Ready to join a network that has your back.Ready to join a network that has your back?
Talent have a vote on Braintrust, giving them say over the place they make their living.
Join, and get connected to top enterprises today: https://t.co/pP0N4AEDVH
31 Jan 2023, 21:00
Why do fees matter?
There are a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is simple: You're losing a fortune to them.
That's why Braintrust charges Talent zero fees. Read more:
Why do fees matter. There are a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is simple: You're losing a fortune to them.Why do fees matter?
There are a lot of reasons, but the biggest one is simple: You're losing a fortune to them.
That's why Braintrust charges Talent zero fees. Read more: https://t.co/1amcPZGq4j
31 Jan 2023, 18:02
Come build a better future of work with us!
Braintrust is hiring core team roles — bookmark this page to keep updated on the latest:
Come build a better future of work with us.Come build a better future of work with us!
Braintrust is hiring core team roles — bookmark this page to keep updated on the latest: https://t.co/7TRrj9mKcS
31 Jan 2023, 02:00
When @Taskrabbit needed to expand its engineering team globally, Braintrust was there — bringing together 10 top engineers in a fraction of the time and cost:
When @Taskrabbit needed to expand its engineering team globally, Braintrust was there — bringing together 10 top engineers in aWhen @Taskrabbit needed to expand its engineering team globally, Braintrust was there — bringing together 10 top engineers in a fraction of the time and cost: https://t.co/x8aikpqRBh
31 Jan 2023, 00:00
Add your name!
This crowdsourced talent directory notifies you of the best #Web3 opportunities on Braintrust.
Great opportunity for #Web2 folks looking to transition into #Web3:
Add your name. This crowdsourced talent directory notifies you of the best #Web3 opportunities on Braintrust.Add your name!
This crowdsourced talent directory notifies you of the best #Web3 opportunities on Braintrust.
Great opportunity for #Web2 folks looking to transition into #Web3: https://t.co/yK85DIAiGB
30 Jan 2023, 23:00
Braintrust cofounder @adamjacksonsf spoke with @HashKey_Capital about the real-world value of #Web3 networks.
Check it out:
Braintrust cofounder @adamjacksonsf spoke with @HashKey_Capital about the real-world value of #Web3 networks. Check it out:.Braintrust cofounder @adamjacksonsf spoke with @HashKey_Capital about the real-world value of #Web3 networks.
Check it out: https://t.co/QQ1mRs9zrb
27 Jan 2023, 23:00
Welcome to the community!
I'm part of the approved talent for @usebraintrust as of yesterday!
Being excited for 2023 is an understatement!
Tell me something good that has come your way this year, or something you're actively manifesting✨
Welcome to the community. I'm part of the approved talent for @usebraintrust as of yesterday.Welcome to the community! https://t.co/9JVHGBoOdW
I'm part of the approved talent for @usebraintrust as of yesterday!
Being excited for 2023 is an understatement!
Tell me something good that has come your way this year, or something you're actively manifesting✨
27 Jan 2023, 21:00
People want to work for networks that commit to building value together, rather than at their expense.
@adamjacksonsf talked about the difference between #Web2 and #Web3 incentives on @billionmonshots
People want to work for networks that commit to building value together, rather than at their expense.People want to work for networks that commit to building value together, rather than at their expense.
@adamjacksonsf talked about the difference between #Web2 and #Web3 incentives on @billionmonshots https://t.co/QXbnILlKc2
26 Jan 2023, 22:01
Check out this visual representation of how the fee converter fuels community growth.
Thx, @3341_phoenix love to see the community get excited!
The decentralized Braintrust network allows talent to truly drive the success of the platform by being incentivized to provide stellar work and enhance the community they are part of! @roadtodao @usebraintrust #feeconverter $BTRST
Check out this visual representation of how the fee converter fuels community growth.Check out this visual representation of how the fee converter fuels community growth.
Thx, @3341_phoenix love to see the community get excited! https://t.co/q1kXblWbss
The decentralized Braintrust network allows talent to truly drive the success of the platform by being incentivized to provide stellar work and enhance the community they are part of! @roadtodao @usebraintrust #feeconverter $BTRST https://t.co/znsd63hiIH
26 Jan 2023, 20:01
How much would you pay to have direct access to clients ranging from Fortune 1000s to top startups?
What if you could have that for free, by working on Braintrust?
We'll connect you. Join the network today:
How much would you pay to have direct access to clients ranging from Fortune 1000s to top startups.How much would you pay to have direct access to clients ranging from Fortune 1000s to top startups?
What if you could have that for free, by working on Braintrust?
We'll connect you. Join the network today: https://t.co/pP0N4AEDVH
26 Jan 2023, 16:02
#Web3 networks return value to those who actually produce it, whereas Talent lose a FORTUNE from high-free #Web2 networks.
Braintrust gives Talent access to great jobs for free — no fees, no membership costs.
#Web3 networks return value to those who actually produce it, whereas Talent lose a FORTUNE from high-free #Web2 networks.#Web3 networks return value to those who actually produce it, whereas Talent lose a FORTUNE from high-free #Web2 networks.
Braintrust gives Talent access to great jobs for free — no fees, no membership costs. https://t.co/1amcPZGq4j
26 Jan 2023, 00:45
Who doesn't love a win-win?
Refer clients to Braintrust — if they hire on the network, you could earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST for every successful referral!
Who doesn't love a win-win.Who doesn't love a win-win?
Refer clients to Braintrust — if they hire on the network, you could earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST for every successful referral! https://t.co/zK6VCgME3v
25 Jan 2023, 21:30
"There's one dirty little secret about web-enabled marketplaces that people don't talk about, but at scale, it can be very corrosive..." @adamjacksonsf tells @mikettownsend.
Listen to Adam's thoughts on the future of work here:
"There's one dirty little secret about web-enabled marketplaces that people don't talk about, but at scale, it can be very corro"There's one dirty little secret about web-enabled marketplaces that people don't talk about, but at scale, it can be very corrosive..." @adamjacksonsf tells @mikettownsend.
Listen to Adam's thoughts on the future of work here: https://t.co/rhpg4jhkbT
25 Jan 2023, 18:01
Braintrust works for you because you can vote on major network decisions with your $BTRST tokens.
Since the Talent have a say, they can make sure their interests are served.
Braintrust works for you because you can vote on major network decisions with your $BTRST tokens.Braintrust works for you because you can vote on major network decisions with your $BTRST tokens.
Since the Talent have a say, they can make sure their interests are served. https://t.co/5GG3udNI2w
24 Jan 2023, 19:00
The job of #Web2 marketplaces is to "extract as much value out of every transaction," as @adamjacksonsf says
At Braintrust, our goal isn't to charge more fees — it's to help you in your career while charging Talent ZERO fees
That's the #Web3 difference
The job of #Web2 marketplaces is to "extract as much value out of every transaction," as @adamjacksonsf says.The job of #Web2 marketplaces is to "extract as much value out of every transaction," as @adamjacksonsf says
At Braintrust, our goal isn't to charge more fees — it's to help you in your career while charging Talent ZERO fees
That's the #Web3 difference https://t.co/YMiL03cnly
24 Jan 2023, 16:01
James turned coding from a hobby to a lucrative freelancing career, but never enjoyed the process of finding new work.
Now that he's partnered with Braintrust, he's free to do less job searching and more of what he loves.
James turned coding from a hobby to a lucrative freelancing career, but never enjoyed the process of finding new work.James turned coding from a hobby to a lucrative freelancing career, but never enjoyed the process of finding new work.
Now that he's partnered with Braintrust, he's free to do less job searching and more of what he loves. https://t.co/XnkCaLxVA9
24 Jan 2023, 04:00
When @nestle partnered with Braintrust, they doubled their talent at half the cost of an in-house hiring team.
Generate results that speak for themselves:
When @nestle partnered with Braintrust, they doubled their talent at half the cost of an in-house hiring team.When @nestle partnered with Braintrust, they doubled their talent at half the cost of an in-house hiring team.
Generate results that speak for themselves: https://t.co/Cdo69HwrNK
24 Jan 2023, 03:30
Are you interested in working in #Web3, but unsure what's available?
Simplify the job search process by adding your name to the crowd-sourced #Web3 talent directory, and you'll get notified about great opportunities on Braintrust!
Are you interested in working in #Web3, but unsure what's available.Are you interested in working in #Web3, but unsure what's available?
Simplify the job search process by adding your name to the crowd-sourced #Web3 talent directory, and you'll get notified about great opportunities on Braintrust! https://t.co/yK85DIAiGB
24 Jan 2023, 03:09
Fighting fire with fire can be a winning strategy — just consider this piece by @packyM.
Fighting fire with fire can be a winning strategy — just consider this piece by @packyM.Fighting fire with fire can be a winning strategy — just consider this piece by @packyM. https://t.co/22eX6S8msm
20 Jan 2023, 19:01
We hear this a lot: the power of not having to constantly pitch yourself to find great work. Glad we could help!
I've been working on @UseBraintrust - a talent marketplace owned by its talent. I get great software projects & don't pay ANY FEES to them. They're adding new clients every week - saves me from having to pitch endlessly.
We hear this a lot: the power of not having to constantly pitch yourself to find great work. Glad we could help.We hear this a lot: the power of not having to constantly pitch yourself to find great work. Glad we could help! https://t.co/QRqiRTwMFd
I've been working on @UseBraintrust - a talent marketplace owned by its talent. I get great software projects & don't pay ANY FEES to them. They're adding new clients every week - saves me from having to pitch endlessly.
20 Jan 2023, 18:02
Own your work — don't let it own you.
Braintrust co-founder @adamjacksonsf spoke with @randizuckerberg @SXMBusiness about how our #Web3 network empowers Talent to work from anywhere.
Watch the interview, starting at the 32:00 mark:
Own your work — don't let it own you.Own your work — don't let it own you.
Braintrust co-founder @adamjacksonsf spoke with @randizuckerberg @SXMBusiness about how our #Web3 network empowers Talent to work from anywhere.
Watch the interview, starting at the 32:00 mark: https://t.co/j4qNbndz33
19 Jan 2023, 22:01
Let us make the introduction – so you can make not just a living but a lifestyle.
We connect you to Fortune 1000s, top startups, and #Web3 projects.
Find great work today:
Let us make the introduction – so you can make not just a living but a lifestyle.Let us make the introduction – so you can make not just a living but a lifestyle.
We connect you to Fortune 1000s, top startups, and #Web3 projects.
Find great work today: https://t.co/pP0N4AEDVH
19 Jan 2023, 19:48
RT @SimoneStolzoff: @KayDee55113976 @alicellemee There are some big ones online like @studyhallxyz, communities of freelancers who work tog…
RT @SimoneStolzoff: @KayDee55113976 @alicellemee There are some big ones online like @studyhallxyz, communities of freelancers wRT @SimoneStolzoff: @KayDee55113976 @alicellemee There are some big ones online like @studyhallxyz, communities of freelancers who work tog…
18 Jan 2023, 21:00
Refer a client. If they hire on Braintrust, you could earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST.
Refer more, earn more — it doesn't get much better than that!
Refer a client. If they hire on Braintrust, you could earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST.Refer a client. If they hire on Braintrust, you could earn up to $100K worth of $BTRST.
Refer more, earn more — it doesn't get much better than that! https://t.co/5z1S4R20tG
18 Jan 2023, 19:00
Nobody dives deeper into the real-world use cases of #Web3 than @packyM
Learn more about how #Web3 is changing industries, and how Braintrust is creating a better future of work.
Nobody dives deeper into the real-world use cases of #Web3 than @packyM.Nobody dives deeper into the real-world use cases of #Web3 than @packyM
Learn more about how #Web3 is changing industries, and how Braintrust is creating a better future of work. https://t.co/gB7tm499mG
18 Jan 2023, 17:01
Imagine if you had a real vote on the network you made your living on.
Don't you think the experience would be better for you, and other Talent like you?
That's the promise of Braintrust, which is on a path of progressive decentralization.
Learn more:
Imagine if you had a real vote on the network you made your living on.Imagine if you had a real vote on the network you made your living on.
Don't you think the experience would be better for you, and other Talent like you?
That's the promise of Braintrust, which is on a path of progressive decentralization.
Learn more: https://t.co/5GG3udNI2w
17 Jan 2023, 20:01
This is YOUR network — so here's your weekly update!
💵 GSV: $122M+ earned by Talent.
📈 Average Project Size: 88K.
🪙 Average Project Duration: 229 days.
View real time updates, any time, on the public network dashboard:
This is YOUR network — so here's your weekly update. GSV: $122M+ earned by Talent. Average Project Size: 88K.This is YOUR network — so here's your weekly update!
💵 GSV: $122M+ earned by Talent.
📈 Average Project Size: 88K.
🪙 Average Project Duration: 229 days.
View real time updates, any time, on the public network dashboard: https://t.co/dECSGNu4Pd
17 Jan 2023, 18:01
Braintrust gets you access to top clients — just check out this latest posting by @Meta for a technical solutions consultant!
Braintrust gets you access to top clients — just check out this latest posting by @Meta for a technical solutions consultant.Braintrust gets you access to top clients — just check out this latest posting by @Meta for a technical solutions consultant! https://t.co/oMtPoFY5HB
17 Jan 2023, 16:01
Finding great paying work on Braintrust has allowed Zoe to focus less on advertising herself and more on doing what she loves:
Finding great paying work on Braintrust has allowed Zoe to focus less on advertising herself and more on doing what she loves:.Finding great paying work on Braintrust has allowed Zoe to focus less on advertising herself and more on doing what she loves: https://t.co/EJx8Q5zDK5
17 Jan 2023, 05:00
A 150+ year-old business needed to accelerate innovation in the face of a global pandemic.
Braintrust helped it triple its innovation team at a fraction of the cost. via @pacificlife
A 150+ year-old business needed to accelerate innovation in the face of a global pandemic.A 150+ year-old business needed to accelerate innovation in the face of a global pandemic.
Braintrust helped it triple its innovation team at a fraction of the cost. https://t.co/3wdDh0U8FF via @pacificlife
17 Jan 2023, 04:00
Have you signed up to hear about the latest #Web3 opportunities?
Add your name to the crowd-sourced talent directory:
Have you signed up to hear about the latest #Web3 opportunities. Add your name to the crowd-sourced talent directory:.Have you signed up to hear about the latest #Web3 opportunities?
Add your name to the crowd-sourced talent directory: https://t.co/yK85DIAiGB
13 Jan 2023, 19:30
The shift from Web2 to Web3 is transforming tech as we know it.
Helpful post/thread for the many talented people looking to make their own career transition:
If you are web2 developer and wanted to switch to web3, I would suggest you to add yourself to @usebraintrust #web3talent directory.
#myweb3story #web3talent
The shift from Web2 to Web3 is transforming tech as we know it.The shift from Web2 to Web3 is transforming tech as we know it.
Helpful post/thread for the many talented people looking to make their own career transition: https://t.co/H3TwlLKAjy
If you are web2 developer and wanted to switch to web3, I would suggest you to add yourself to @usebraintrust #web3talent directory. https://t.co/hSokAA2Crj
#myweb3story #web3talent
13 Jan 2023, 17:30
Braintrust is helping usher in not just the #Web3 ecosystem, but also the #work3 ecosystem.
Send some love to this excellent piece from @matteocellini:
Braintrust is helping usher in not just the #Web3 ecosystem, but also the #work3 ecosystem.Braintrust is helping usher in not just the #Web3 ecosystem, but also the #work3 ecosystem.
Send some love to this excellent piece from @matteocellini: https://t.co/LagvbpegnX
12 Jan 2023, 19:00
Braintrust aims to give global talent access to great job opportunities and more control over how they build their careers.
Let us help you get connected with clients ranging from Fortune 1000s to top startups and #Web3 projects.
Braintrust aims to give global talent access to great job opportunities and more control over how they build their careers.Braintrust aims to give global talent access to great job opportunities and more control over how they build their careers.
Let us help you get connected with clients ranging from Fortune 1000s to top startups and #Web3 projects. https://t.co/pP0N4AEDVH
12 Jan 2023, 17:20
Welcome to the network, we're excited to have you!
I'm part of the approved talent for @usebraintrust as of yesterday!
Being excited for 2023 is an understatement!
Tell me something good that has come your way this year, or something you're actively manifesting✨
Welcome to the network, we're excited to have you. I'm part of the approved talent for @usebraintrust as of yesterday.Welcome to the network, we're excited to have you! https://t.co/9JVHGBoOdW
I'm part of the approved talent for @usebraintrust as of yesterday!
Being excited for 2023 is an understatement!
Tell me something good that has come your way this year, or something you're actively manifesting✨
12 Jan 2023, 16:11
It's time Talent earned more for the value they create.
That means leaving behind extractive networks that are incentivized to choose profits over people.
Braintrust uses #Web3 decentralization to create a better future of work.
Learn how:
It's time Talent earned more for the value they create.It's time Talent earned more for the value they create.
That means leaving behind extractive networks that are incentivized to choose profits over people.
Braintrust uses #Web3 decentralization to create a better future of work.
Learn how: https://t.co/nNMbXv3060
11 Jan 2023, 19:11
On #Web2 marketplaces, the fees can be high, and you have no say over what happens.
Braintrust leverages #Web3 technology to reduce costs and align incentives, allowing us to do more for our Talent, as @decryptmedia wrote:
On #Web2 marketplaces, the fees can be high, and you have no say over what happens.On #Web2 marketplaces, the fees can be high, and you have no say over what happens.
Braintrust leverages #Web3 technology to reduce costs and align incentives, allowing us to do more for our Talent, as @decryptmedia wrote: https://t.co/0NnObh1ySs
11 Jan 2023, 16:15
Our referral program just got better.
Every time you refer a client who hires on Braintrust, you can earn up to $100K of $BTRST. And there's no limit to how many referrals you can make!
Get started here:
Our referral program just got better. Every time you refer a client who hires on Braintrust, you can earn up to $100K of $BTRST.Our referral program just got better.
Every time you refer a client who hires on Braintrust, you can earn up to $100K of $BTRST. And there's no limit to how many referrals you can make!
Get started here: https://t.co/5z1S4R20tG
11 Jan 2023, 00:00
Braintrust is hiring! We're looking for a UX researcher, senior product manager, and a data scientist.
Learn more:
Braintrust is hiring. We're looking for a UX researcher, senior product manager, and a data scientist. Learn more:.Braintrust is hiring! We're looking for a UX researcher, senior product manager, and a data scientist.
Learn more: https://t.co/jcF3wq2pvG
10 Jan 2023, 22:00
Braintrust handles the payment and accounting process, so top Talent like Lorenzo Parks can work with Fortune 1000 clients that typically couldn't clear individual freelancers through procurement hurdles.
Braintrust handles the payment and accounting process, so top Talent like Lorenzo Parks can work with Fortune 1000 clients thatBraintrust handles the payment and accounting process, so top Talent like Lorenzo Parks can work with Fortune 1000 clients that typically couldn't clear individual freelancers through procurement hurdles. https://t.co/Zx2Y2HvhQG
10 Jan 2023, 19:15
Who do you call when you need to quickly scale to serve 1M+ users across the world?
@TaskRabbit called Braintrust ... and we helped them hire 10 highly skilled engineers for a fraction of the cost of other services.
Who do you call when you need to quickly scale to serve 1M+ users across the world. @TaskRabbit called Braintrust .Who do you call when you need to quickly scale to serve 1M+ users across the world?
@TaskRabbit called Braintrust ... and we helped them hire 10 highly skilled engineers for a fraction of the cost of other services. https://t.co/x8aikpqRBh
10 Jan 2023, 16:05
Learn about the next great #Web3 project first by signing up for the first crowd-sourced #web3 talent directory:
Learn about the next great #Web3 project first by signing up for the first crowd-sourced #web3 talent directory:.Learn about the next great #Web3 project first by signing up for the first crowd-sourced #web3 talent directory: https://t.co/yK85DIAQw9
06 Jan 2023, 23:00
It's a new year ... are you ready to make some big waves?
Add your name to the crowdsourced Web3 talent directory, and you'll be the first to hear when new opportunities arise.
It's a new year . are you ready to make some big waves.It's a new year ... are you ready to make some big waves?
Add your name to the crowdsourced Web3 talent directory, and you'll be the first to hear when new opportunities arise. https://t.co/jPkqNhA19y
06 Jan 2023, 19:01
If you know people who are hiring, you can make up to $100K in BTRST simply for introducing them to Braintrust.
Learn more about how each successful referral can help you earn serious rewards.
If you know people who are hiring, you can make up to $100K in BTRST simply for introducing them to Braintrust.If you know people who are hiring, you can make up to $100K in BTRST simply for introducing them to Braintrust.
Learn more about how each successful referral can help you earn serious rewards. https://t.co/zK6VCgME3v